EMEA ALLIANCE®– a network of independent b2b-sales accelerating professionals
All members of EMEA ALLIANCE® have at least 20 years of experience in sales, marketing and opening of new markets in their respective area.
Having contacts of that particular business, knowing local culture and the way how to do business and in some cases also knowing the local language, these are key elements for success when choosing reliable resellers, agents, suppliers or major direct end-customers.
Of course we also present all the risks related in business in that particular area or country: risks related to financial losses, corruption, achieving sales targets, import regulations and fees, local laws regulating business activities and the risk of copying of customer company’s know-how.
Efficiency, total confidentiality and customer satisfaction are our key drivers.
One of the network advantages is, that customer can contact only one member in order to have a quotation conserning a consulting mission of the total area. Other is, that of course when working together, larger missions can be executed in a shorter time.
Are you interested in becoming a member of EMEA ALLIANCE®?
If you have at least 20 years of experience of b2b-sales and marketing in your area and are interested and motivated to develop b2b-activities in your area, have excellent network to b2b-decision makers as well as have a company with valid VAT-number, then please contact: