Principal consultant Mr. Heikki Tallgren has been selected as a Business Coach for Horizon 2020’s SME Instrument. This coaching is done for promising smes, who have been selected in Easme financing schemes. In phase I, the lump sum is 50.000 euros. In phase II, promising world-class sme can have financing up to 2,5 mio euros for e.g. R&D and/or to prepare launch to international markets. Easme stands for Executive Agency for SME’s and it is an agency working under European Commission. SME Instrument will invest almost 3 billion euros in 7500 projects of highly innovative smes by 2020. For phase I smes, this business coaching is for 3 days and for phase II companies maximum 12 days. This means that Heikki T. Tallgren has still capacity to fullfill challenging coaching/consulting missions in addition to this Easme coaching.
Here more information about easme coaching: